Argyle Power & Light

Argyle, Wisconsin Electric Utility Company provides electricity for the Village of Argyle, Wisconsin and is a village owned entity.

The current superintendent is Dan Koch

Dan’s email is

Dan’s phone is +1 (608) 214-7338

The power plant is located at 100 E Milwaukee Street, Argyle, WI 53504

The Argyle Clerks’ Office handles all utility billing and payments.

More about Argyle Power & Light and its history

The village of Argyle has operated a Municipal Electric Utility since 1905. The utility serves approximately 479 customers within the village limits of Argyle. The Utility buys wholesale power from Dairyland Power Cooperative of La Crosse, WI.

We take delivery of the power from a 69kV transmission line to our substation on Mill Street, which was constructed in 1997.

The Argyle Power Plant located in the center of town on the Pecatonica River had one of the few operational hydroelectric generators producing power from small streams in Wisconsin.

Retired in 2021, the generator on the small head dam produced about 210 megawatt hours of electricity annually.

The power plant also houses diesel generator equipment with enough capacity to supply power to the entire village in case of an ice storm or other outage of our normal supply of electricity

History of the Argyle Power Plant is available here.