
Polling Place

All residents of the Village of Argyle vote at the Argyle Public Library located at 401 E. Milwaukee St, Argyle, WI 53504.

The entrance to the library is on the west side of the building (follow the sidewalk with the ramp).

Voter Registration

  • Resident at current address for 30 days or more.
  • Bring a current piece of mail with your address.
  • Present a valid picture ID (e.g., Wisconsin Drivers License, Wisconsin State ID, or US Passport).

Village Caucus

  • The village uses a caucus process to nominate candidates for the village board.
  • Village board seats (trustees and president) are elected on a 2-year alternating cycle.
  • Every year citizens attend the caucus and nominate candidates for the available positions on the board.
  • Caucus details are posted in November (check the Pecatonica Valley Leader for Legal Notice, or posted at the Community Building, Post Office and Local Banks), the caucus is held in January in preparation for an April election.