The Village of Argyle would like to invite vendors to participate in Argyle’s fifth annual Christmas in July Vendor Event. This year the event will be held on July 19, 2025. Returning vendors will have preference over new vendors. We’re accepting vendors for crafts, direct sales, artists, authors, and other items. There will only be one booth per direct sales company allowed.
This event is being held as a fundraiser for Advancing Argyle Park Improvements. Our first completed project was a trio of Patriotic Trees that were first displayed at Legion Park during the 2022 Holiday season. Last year we added lights to the garland on the bridge.
We encourage you to use a Christmas theme in your booth. Booths will be judged on how well they portray the Christmas theme. The winner will have their booth fee waived for 2026. All vendors will be required to complete Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) form S-240 Part C.
Each vendor will be charged $25.00 for an approximately 10 x 10-foot space.
Vendors will be setup on the grassy area between the shelter and the airplane. Electricity is not available for vendors.
Location: Argyle American Legion Park
Event Setup: 11 am – 1 pm
Event Time: 1 pm – 5 pm (Vendors who leave before 5 pm will not be invited back)
Event Sign-Up Deadline: June 1, 2025