Christmas in July Vendor Sign-Up Form

Christmas in July Vendor Sign-Up Form

Vendor Information

Please provide information about yourself and your business:

Important Vendor Information

The Village of Argyle would like to invite vendors to participate in Argyle’s fifth annual Christmas in July Vendor Event. This year the event will be held on July 19, 2025. Returning vendors will have preference over new vendors. We’re accepting vendors for crafts, direct sales, artists, authors, and other items. There will only be one booth per direct sales company allowed.

This event is being held as a fundraiser for Advancing Argyle Park Improvements. Our first completed project was a trio of Patriotic Trees that were first displayed at Legion Park during the 2022 Holiday season. Last year we added lights to the garland on the bridge.

We encourage you to use a Christmas theme in your booth. Booths will be judged on how well they portray the Christmas theme. The winner will have their booth fee waived for 2026. All vendors will be required to complete Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) form S-240 Part C.

Each vendor will be charged $25.00 for an approximately 10 x 10-foot space. 

Vendors will be setup on the grassy area between the shelter and the airplane. Electricity is not available for vendors.

Location: Argyle American Legion Park

Event Setup: 11 am – 1 pm

Event Time: 1 pm – 5 pm (Vendors who leave before 5 pm will not be invited back)

Event Sign-Up Deadline: June 1, 2025

Wisconsin Department of Revenue form S-240 Part C

We won’t ask you to fill these out online, but we will ask that you complete any necessary forms before selling at our market.  We will have forms on hand to complete or you can download the form below and bring it with you to the first market you attend.

WI DOR Form S-240 Part C

Rules & Regulations

  • Participants are responsible for everything needed for set-up and clean-up of space reserved, including change and monies for sales.
  • Any vendor using a canopy will weight each corner with a minimum of 20 lbs. Weights must be directly attached to the canopy or have each corner staked with tent stakes
  • Participants will be assigned a space when they arrive. Spaces are on a first come basis
  • Participants will move their vehicles to an area away from the vendor event once they’ve unloaded
  • All participants fully release and forever discharge the Village of Argyle, its employees and volunteers from any and all claims for injuries and/or damages or loss that may arise
  • Participants will remain at the event until 5 pm. Leaving early will result in being prohibited from participating in future events
  • The Village of Argyle reserves the right to deny any vendor
  • Vendors who fail to show for the event will consider their application fee a donation for Argyle’s Christmas Decoration Fund