Argyle Open Market Vendor Sign-Up Form 2025

Argyle Open Market 2025 Vendor Sign-Up Form

Vendor Information

Please provide information about yourself and your business:

2025 Market Dates

For more information on other Village events that coincide with the Argyle Open Market please check our event calendar.  
Some notable examples include Community-Wide Garage Sale, Mud Volleyball, Christmas in July, Homecoming and the Annual Chili Cook-Off.

June 7
June 21
July 5
July 19
August 2
August 16
September 6
September 20
October 4
October 16

Wisconsin Department of Revenue form S-240 Part C

We won’t ask you to fill these out online, but we will ask that you complete any necessary forms before selling at our market.  We will have forms on hand to complete or you can download the form below and bring it with you to the first market you attend.

WI DOR Form S-240 Part C

Rules & Regulations

  • Participants are responsible for everything needed for set-up and clean-up of space reserved, including change and monies for sales.
  • Any vendor using a canopy will weight each corner with a minimum of 20 lbs. Weights must be directly attached to the canopy.
  • Participants will be assigned a space when they arrive.  Spaces are on a first come first serve basis.
  • Participants will move their vehicles away from the vending area after unloading. Vendors are not allowed to drive/park in the lot unless special permission has been granted by the market manager.
  • Participants will reach out via email ( or call/text Joe @ 608-482-2293 if they are unable to participate prior to Friday at 7PM.
  • All Participants fully release and forever discharge the Village of Argyle, its employees and volunteers from all claims for injuries and/or damages or loss that may occur.
  • The Village of Argyle reserves the right to deny any vendor.